"I now have connections from all over the world and international friend groups for life."
What brought you to UPEI? Why did you choose to study here?
I was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh and have lived in Charlottetown for as long as I can remember (since grade three). Prior to that, I lived in Scarborough, Ontario. I am in my fifth and final year as a computer science co-op student here at UPEI.
Being close to home, UPEI was always the obvious choice for me. Graduating high school in 2020, COVID-19 certainly had an impact on many students’ post-graduation plans, but I can imagine UPEI would’ve remained my first choice even under ‘normal’ circumstances. I was aware of the small student-to-teacher ratio, the quality of the computer science program (funny enough, it was actually through a ‘UPEI Spotlight’ post that I discovered this), the opportunity to gain hands-on work experience during my degree through enrolling in the Co-operative Education program, and the George Coles bursary offered to Island high school graduates.
How did you find out about the opportunity to study abroad?
I believe it was during my UPEI campus tour date while still in high school when I first discovered the Study Abroad program. I could tell right away that this was something that I wanted to do at some point in my degree. Because of how keen I was, I was surprised to hear from my tour guide that relatively few UPEI students take advantage of this opportunity. In retrospect, I don’t think this is because many students don’t want to, but rather that taking the concrete steps to make it happen can feel intimidating. However, once I began taking the necessary steps, I grew in confidence that I could make good things happen for myself.

Where did you travel and study, and when did you begin and end the trip?
I travelled to the city of Jyväskylä, Finland, to do a semester abroad at JYU. My exchange went from the end of August 2024 to the end of December 2024; this allowed me to experience both the unforgettable (nature-filled) scenic vibes of the long summer days and the cozy (snow-filled) atmosphere of the long winter nights. During my time abroad, I mostly travelled within Finland. Some cities that I visited within Finland include Helsinki, Turku, and Tampere. I also had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit Lapland, a region of Finland that rests above the arctic circle (fun fact: Lapland is the home of Santa Claus!). Outside of Finland, I got to briefly visit Stockholm, Sweden, while on the Pirates of the Baltic Sea (PoBS) cruise. I’m very glad I chose Jyväskylä as my destination—not only is Finland a notable country within the tech scene, but UPEI students who went to JYU on exchange and JYU students who went to UPEI on exchange alike both recommended it to me as a destination. On the JYU study abroad page for incoming students, there’s a picture of the campus bridge, and seeing that bridge in-person was the most ‘I’ve really made it’ experience I’ve ever had.
"Having had my worldview greatly expanded by embarking on this journey, I feel confident that I can pursue career opportunities around the world. With a computer science co-op degree, I’ve obtained much knowledge, practical work experience, and the ability to pursue various remote work opportunities."
What were the main highlights of your experience abroad?
I honestly don’t even know where to begin, as these four months were incredibly fulfilling in many aspects. If I had to pick one thing, it would be the overall social life. Jyväskylä is a student city (one-third of the total residents in the city are students), so there are countless events and activities taking place that are oriented towards creating social engagement among students. Living in the Kortepohja student village also helped with meeting and spending time with others. Alongside this, I was part of a quite tight-knit exchange student cohort. While we weren’t all necessarily super close with each other, I felt the general vibe amongst the cohort was always a positive one. Alongside my friends, even the day-to-day activities we did felt memorable—practicing our Finnish language skills, biking everywhere, playing Lupus, playing football, working on class projects, exploring the campus/city/country, going to sauna, cooking, dining, partying, karaoke, learning more about the Finnish history and culture, seeing the auroras, etc. These activities were all made so much better because of the friends I did them with, and that’s something that I will cherish forever. Through studying abroad, I now have connections from all over the world and international friend groups for life.
How do you feel the experience studying and living in another country will impact your future plans?
Having had my worldview greatly expanded by embarking on this journey, I feel confident that I can pursue career opportunities around the world. With a computer science co-op degree, I’ve obtained much knowledge, practical work experience, and the ability to pursue various remote work opportunities. Right now, my plan is to stay on the Island for a couple of years beyond graduation to save up money, learn different languages (something I’ve discovered is beneficial for success abroad), and gain more career skills. After that, I would love to envision my long-term future back in Europe, so a return to JYU for a Master’s degree is my aim.

What would you say to a student considering a UPEI study abroad experience?
I couldn’t recommend it more for those who are considering it. Mentally preparing for this experience can feel like simply taking a ‘leap of faith’ initially, but the process isn’t too intimidating once getting started. The guidance I received from the UPEI Study Abroad office made it easy for me to envision the steps I needed to take and when I needed to take them. I would recommend a couple of things: If possible, plan out when you want to study abroad well in advance (especially in relation to the rest of your degree). Do your research on UPEI’s partner schools and their respective city and country. Apply for the many available scholarships and financial aids related to studying abroad. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from the lovely people working at the UPEI Study Abroad office and from others who have studied aboard previously. While abroad, it goes without saying to soak in the experience as much as possible but also remember to keep your health in check. Finally, I would recommend journalling and taking as many pictures and videos as possible: This will help you reflect on your experiences and make the memories last!