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Public Presentation by Shawna Garrett, candidate for Associate Vice-President, Students and Registrar

Event Date:
Friday, October 13, 2023, 10:00 am
Bill and Denise Andrew Hall

The search committee for the Associate Vice-President, Students and Registrar announces upcoming presentations by the finalist candidates. Since the search began in May, the committee has undertaken a comprehensive search and selected three finalists for a series of stakeholder meetings on campus. Chris McGrath presents on October 4 and Frances Billingsley on October 10.

Shawna Garrett is the President and CEO of EduNova Cooperative Ltd, an association of education and training providers in Nova Scotia. She has held prior appointments as Transformation and Change Leader at the College of the North Atlantic (CNA); Registrar at Mount Allison University and CNA, Qatar; and Executive Director, Enrolment Services at Acadia University. From 1999–2001, Shawna was the International Student Recruitment and Marketing Officer at UPEI. She holds an MEd (2007) from Acadia University and a BA (1997) from the University of Prince Edward Island.

All are welcome to attend. For any who are unable to attend, the presentations will be recorded and available afterward for viewing from a secure site. Paper copies of each candidate’s CV will be available for viewing in the Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Research, Kelley 205. Following each presentation, you are invited to provide feedback on the candidate’s suitability for the role to All feedback will be considered by the Search Committee in its deliberations.