Let's Talk Teaching 2024: A workshop by Dr. Jessica Riddell

Event Date:
Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 9:00 am
Health Sciences Building 104

Dr. Jessica Riddell, professor of literature at Bishop’s University, will facilitate a workshop for UPEI colleagues on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, starting at 9:00 am. Join colleagues from across the campus for this workshop focused on building our capacities for educational leadership and re-wiring classrooms that center human and ecological flourishing. Jessica will facilitate reflections on our individual origin stories that brought us to the academy and particularly to learning and teaching spaces. Once we have reflected on what called us to this work as educators, we will do some work on "re-membering" and centering purpose, giving thought to how we might anchor this purpose in our practices as university educators. An RSVP is requested but not required to attend.  If you would like to read Dr. Riddell's book in preparation for the workshop, there are limited paper copies of the book available from the office of the Dean of Arts.  In addition, the Robertson Library has a couple of physical copies on reserve and access to the e-book.  

This workshop complements the second Shannon K. Murray Lecture on Hope and the Academy that Dr. Riddell will share in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall at 11:00 am the same day. Her presentation is entitled "The Times are Urgent: We must Slow Down. Building Hope Circuits for ourselves and in community."

Contact Name
Charlene VanLeeuwen