
Event Date:
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 5:30 pm
Robertson Library
201 Robertson Library - Catherine Callbeck Centre for Entrepreneurship

Got a business idea you’re excited about? Join the Catherine Callbeck Centre for Entrepreneurship for MiniPitch on Tuesday, February 25, from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. It’s a great opportunity for students to sharpen their presentation skills and develop new ideas. Prepare a three-minute pitch, face a three-minute Q&A, and participate in a two-minute feedback session to discover what you did well, where you can improve, and what steps you should take next to move forward with your idea!

The first eight presenters to register will have their spots booked, and we will have some wildcard spots at the event if you don’t get registered in time!

Sign up here!

Contact Name
Jeremy Heartz