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How to get published: a workshop co-sponsored by the Faculty of Arts

Workshop run by Cynthia Good: former president, publisher, and editorial director of Penguin Books Canada
| Special Event

Have you started–or completed—a manuscript and you’re not sure what your next steps should be? Cynthia Good is a former president, publisher, and editorial director of Penguin Books Canada, and currently the Director of Student and Industry Initiatives for the Creative Book Publishing Program at Humber College in Toronto. She will give a workshop in Charlottetown, “How to Get Published: an Insider’s Guide.” The workshop is on Saturday, July 16, 10:00 am—12:00 pm, in the Irish Benevolent Society Hall at 582 North River Road.

Good will describe the present publishing landscape and review your options for both conventional and self-publishing. She will offer practical tips on how to get the attention of an editor or a literary agent and how to take charge of your career as a writer. Come prepared with questions and be ready to share your experiences.

The cost of the workshop is $25, or $20 for students, seniors, and members of the PEI Writers’ Guild. Pre-registration is not required. All are welcome.

The workshop is co-sponsored by the UPEI Faculty of Arts, the Humber College School of Creative and Performing Arts, and the PEI Writers’ Guild. For further information, contact the Department of English,

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Dave Atkinson
Research Communications Officer
Marketing and Communications
(902) 620-5117

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