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Jack MacAulay comes home to play basketball for UPEI

| Athletics

Darrell Glenn, coach of the UPEI Men’s Basketball team, is pleased to announced the recruitment of Jack MacAulay. MacAulay is a former AUS Rookie All-Star from Charlottetown who played two seasons with Cape Breton University, but is ready and eligible to suit up as a Panther.

“We are very excited about adding Jack to our team this upcoming season,” said Glenn. “Jack is an exceptional three-point shooter and will bring toughness and a competitive spirit to our group.”

In his last season of play in 2016-2017, MacAulay averaged more than ten points per game and shot 36.7% from the three-point line.

“I’m excited to officially join the Panther family,” said MacAulay. “We have a lot of work to do, and I can’t wait to get going!”

MacAulay is a student in UPEI’s Faculty of Business.

Go Panthers Go!


Ron Annear
Athletics and Recreation
(902) 566-0991

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