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Get feedback on your children’s/young adult manuscript from one of the biggest names in publishing

Get feedback on your children’s/young adult manuscript from one of the biggest names in publishing
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The co-founder and director of one of Canada’s most successful publishing houses will give one-on-one feedback to participants of a workshop called The Insider’s Guide to Writing and Publishing for Young Readers, held July 12 to 14 at the University of Prince Edward Island.

Rick Wilks, co-founder and director of Annick Press, will co-facilitate the workshop with Cynthia Good, past editorial director, president, and publisher of Penguin Books Canada. The workshop—a collaboration between UPEI and Humber College’s School for Writers and Creative Book Publishing program—is open to all writers, no matter what stage of writing you’re at—from concept to first draft or beyond.

“Writing a kid’s book can be an exciting but intimidating task,” said Belle DeMont, a past participant of The Insider’s Guide who went on to write I Love My Purse, published by Annick in 2017. “I came to the Humber PEI writing workshop with many ideas, but had no direction. This course changed that dramatically. The weekend in stunning PEI was spent tapping into every corner of the writing/publishing world. We discussed everything from sentence structure to how to get a publisher’s attention. We had in-depth critiques of each other’s works. We were then given options as to what to do with the work once it was completed. Two years after taking this workshop, my first book was published with Annick Press. In truth, this course actually changed my life.”

This summer’s expanded workshop will have more time devoted to feedback about participants’ writing. Wilks has more than 40 years experience in children’s publishing and has worked with Canada’s top authors for young readers, including Robert Munsch and Sharon McKay. Wilks will spend time with each participant's writing, with practical tips on how to improve the manuscript.

“The workshop was very well organized, and the presentations were excellent,” said Don Desserud of Cornwall, PEI, who attended last summer’s workshop. “I was particularly impressed by Cynthia Good and Rick Wilks and their knowledgeable, informed, and sage advice. I learned a lot, much more than I anticipated. I would definitely attend again.”

In addition, Sarah Sawler, a children’s author and publicist from Halifax, will join the facilitators for a session to highlight what writers need to know about getting their books into the hands of readers.

“Thank you for this incredible opportunity for honest feedback! Thank you for broadening my understanding of the publishing industry and about the writing process,” said Elaine Kachala, who travelled from Toronto for the workshop and to spend time on beautiful PEI.

The workshop will open with a lecture and a reception sponsored by Annick Press. Participants will leave the workshop with new directions for their manuscripts, enriched knowledge of publishing, and an effective query letter.

For more information, including details on the workshop, accommodations, and how to register, visit

The University of Prince Edward Island prides itself on people, excellence, and impact and is committed to assisting students reach their full potential in both the classroom and community. With roots stemming from two founding institutions—Prince of Wales College and Saint Dunstan’s University—UPEI has a reputation for academic excellence, research innovation, and creating positive impacts locally, nationally, and internationally. UPEI is the only degree granting institution in the province and is proud to be a key contributor to the growth and prosperity of Prince Edward Island.


Dave Atkinson
Research Communications Officer
Marketing and Communication
(902) 620-5117

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