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Panthers recruit Colonel Gray cross country/track star Nick Robertson

| Athletics

Colin MacAdam, head coach of UPEI’s Cross Country and Track & Field teams, is pleased to announce Nick Robertson will join the Panthers for the 2018–2019 season. Robertson is a middle- and long-distance runner and a recent graduate of Colonel Gray High School in Charlottetown.

“Nick Robertson is a talented cross-country, triathlon, and track and field athlete who has represented Colonel Gray High School and Prince Edward Island for a number of years,” said MacAdam. “Nick was scouted by a number of universities, and we are delighted that he has chosen to attend UPEI. Nick will be a key member of our track and field and cross-country teams. We expect he will be an impact athlete for both programs.”

Robertson took home three first-place finishes at the most recent PEI School Athletic Association (PEISAA) Track & Field Championship, including the 800-meter, 1500-meter, and 3000-meter races. In 2016–2017, he was a member of Team PEI at the Canada Summer Games for the triathlon. He won his category at the 2017–2018 provincial cross-country championship, and placed second at the Atlantic Cross Country Championship.

“I’m really looking forward to continuing my career as a Panther,” said Robertson. “With help from old and new coaches, and my sponsor, I have high hopes of what I can accomplish during my years at UPEI.”

Robertson has been accepted into UPEI’s Faculty of Science and will be majoring in chemistry.

Go Panthers Go!


Ron Annear
Athletics and Recreation
(902) 566-0991

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