Brown Bag Lunch: Education in Developing Countries: How Canadian Universities Can Make a Difference

Dr. Alfonso Lopez, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Topic: Education in Developing Countries: How Canadian Universities Can Make a Difference Universities’ roles in international assistance have been traditionally in educating international students in Canada, and, to a lesser extent, implementing projects in developing countries that are funded by governmental organizations such as the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Insufficient funding is undoubtedly the single largest obstacle to helping foreign institutions. However, the rapidly growing access to Internet in developing countries has opened an extraordinary opportunity to help students in underprivileged universities at practically zero cost. In this presentation, I will give specific examples on how UPEI instructors could make a substantial difference worldwide. I will also challenge some of the myths surrounding “education informatics". In helping underprivileged students, it is not money that is needed, but the most precious commodity of contemporary professorship: time. Time: 12-1:00 pm Location: Webster Centre Boardroom, RL 234

Brown Bag Lunch: Pecha Kucha: or, One Way to Prevent Death by PowerPoint

Dr. Shannon Murray Pecha Kucha: or, One Way to Prevent Death by PowerPoint In 2003, two Tokyo-based architects, Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein, invented a way to have architects show their stuff in an efficient way: Pecha-Kucha, Japanese for "chit chat", uses 20 slides set to change after 20 seconds each. Businesses have adopted the method to improve the quality (and reduce the length!) of their presentations. So is there a place for Pecha-Kucha in the university classroom? Come for a demonstration and then some real "chit chat" afterwards. Time: 12-1:00 pm Location: Webster Centre Boardroom, RL 234F

MBA Information Session

UPEI's Executive-style MBA program is designed for those working in, or aspiring to work, in a management or leadership position. Specialized streams of study are offered in Innovative Management and Biotechnology Management & Entrepreneurship. To learn more about this exciting opportunity in graduate studies, UPEI’s School of Business invites you to attend an information session. Learn more about the program and application process, have your questions answered, and meet with staff and faculty from the School of Business. Atlantic Technology Centre, 4th Floor Conference suite, Charlottetown Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010, anytime between 4:00 p.m and 6:00 p.m. We encourage you to call 566-6474 or email: to reserve a seat. For more information about UPEI’s Executive-style MBA program, visit or contact the MBA Coordinator at (902)566-6474.

ducation in Developing Countries: How Canadian Universities Can Make a Difference

Dr. Lopez' Brown Bag Lunch has been rescheduled for February 23, 12-1 pm. Dr. Alfonso Lopez, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Topic: Education in Developing Countries: How Canadian Universities Can Make a Difference Webster Centre Boardroom, RL 234 For a complete description:…