Campus Notices

Kelly Lynne Miles will present her master of education thesis defense on Wednesday, January 30 at 10:00 am in Room MCDH 243. Thesis Title: "Young Writers as Philosophers: Teaching Writing Through Natural Inquiry and Community Dialogue.” All are welcome. Contact: Cathy Hennessey at 566-0731 or
AVC's Class of 2016 invites you to the Winter Wonderland Ball taking place on Saturday, January 19, 8:00 pm at The Wave. Tickets are $5.00 per person in advance or $7.00 at the door and may be purchased outside the AVC cafeteria at lunch time or at Mickey's Place. Dress is semi-formal. The Winter Wonderland Ball is a fundraiser for AVC's Class of 2016.
Please note, the Faculty of Arts Book Launch begins today at 4:30 pm, not 4, as listed in some material. The event takes place in the Faculty Lounge of Main Building. For more information on each of the nine featured books, visit: For YouTube interviews with three of the authors/editors, visit: Each book will be available for sale at the event. See you there! Dave Atkinson Research Communications Officer 620-5117
Join others as we learn more about Catholicism. January 16, 7:00 pm - Father Robert Barron "Word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven: The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist." (DVD). Come for information, conversation, and celebration! Sister Susan Kidd Campus Minister 902-894-2876
Performance Management - February 21 This workshop covers: performance management cycle, expectation management and objective setting, appraisal and evaluation process, feedback techniques, creating a high-performance culture, managing poor performers, and performance management legal guidelines and tips.… Essentials of Conflict Resolution - February 26, 27 & 28 What you will learn: Five styles of conflict handling and their uses, conflict self-awareness, conflict analysis, communication for improving relationships, interest-based approach to conflict resolution, and applications in mediation, negotiation, and facilitation. For more information on these courses and others, visit or call 566-0336.
Kelly Lynne Miles will present her master of education thesis defense on Wednesday, January 30 at 10:00 am in Room MCDH 243. Thesis Title: "Young Writers as Philosophers: Teaching Writing Through Natural Inquiry and Community Dialogue.” All are welcome. Contact: Cathy Hennessey at 566-0731 or
AVC's Class of 2016 invites you to the Winter Wonderland Ball taking place on Saturday, January 19, 8:00 pm at The Wave. Tickets are $5.00 per person in advance or $7.00 at the door and may be purchased outside the AVC cafeteria at lunch time or at Mickey's Place. Dress is semi-formal. The Winter Wonderland Ball is a fundraiser for AVC's Class of 2016.
Please note, the Faculty of Arts Book Launch begins today at 4:30 pm, not 4, as listed in some material. The event takes place in the Faculty Lounge of Main Building. For more information on each of the nine featured books, visit: For YouTube interviews with three of the authors/editors, visit: Each book will be available for sale at the event. See you there! Dave Atkinson Research Communications Officer 620-5117
Join others as we learn more about Catholicism. January 16, 7:00 pm - Father Robert Barron "Word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven: The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist." (DVD). Come for information, conversation, and celebration! Sister Susan Kidd Campus Minister 902-894-2876
Performance Management - February 21 This workshop covers: performance management cycle, expectation management and objective setting, appraisal and evaluation process, feedback techniques, creating a high-performance culture, managing poor performers, and performance management legal guidelines and tips.… Essentials of Conflict Resolution - February 26, 27 & 28 What you will learn: Five styles of conflict handling and their uses, conflict self-awareness, conflict analysis, communication for improving relationships, interest-based approach to conflict resolution, and applications in mediation, negotiation, and facilitation. For more information on these courses and others, visit or call 566-0336.

Speaker: Professor William J. Montelpare, Margaret and Wallace McCain Chair in Human Development and Health, Department of Applied Human Sciences, UPEI Title: Using a Web-enabled Injury Surveillance Environment (WISE) for Injury Surveillance at a Multisport Event Date: Friday, January 18 Location: Duffy Science Centre, Room 204 Time: 12:30-1:30 pm Everyone is welcome to attend. Sharon Martin, Administrative Assistant Biology Department and Environmental Studies Program phone: 902-566-0301
Speaker: Professor William J. Montelpare, Margaret and Wallace McCain Chair in Human Development and Health, Department of Applied Human Sciences, UPEI Title: Using a Web-enabled Injury Surveillance Environment (WISE) for Injury Surveillance at a Multisport Event Date: Friday, January 18 Location: Duffy Science Centre, Room 204 Time: 12:30-1:30 pm Everyone is welcome to attend. Sharon Martin, Administrative Assistant Biology Department and Environmental Studies Program phone: 902-566-0301
Speaker: Professor William J. Montelpare, Margaret and Wallace McCain Chair in Human Development and Health, Department of Applied Human Sciences, UPEI Title: Using a Web-enabled Injury Surveillance Environment (WISE) for Injury Surveillance at a Multisport Event Date: Friday, January 18 Location: Duffy Science Centre, Room 204 Time: 12:30-1:30 pm Everyone is welcome to attend. Sharon Martin, Administrative Assistant Biology Department and Environmental Studies Program phone: 902-566-0301

There will be a water shutdown in the Atlantic Veterinary College on Thursday, January 17 between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. This water shutdown will affect the men's and women's washrooms on the north end of the original building, all four (4) levels. Therefore, these washrooms will be closed during this time. This shutdown is necessary for the replacement of a 2 1/2" water line. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards, Jackie -- Jackie MacPhail Capital Projects 902-566-6034
The annual celebration of writing and publishing in the Faculty of Arts is Wednesday, January 16 at 4:30 pm in the Faculty Lounge of UPEI's Main Building. For more information, including a complete list of titles, see: To watch short video interviews with two of the author/editors, see:
Gayan Tennekone, Chemistry MSc student, UPEI, will present a seminar on Wednesday, January 16 at 12:30 pm. The presentation is entitled “Metal Targeting in Alzheimer’s Disease.” The seminar will be held in Room 128 in the KC Irving Chemistry Centre. Janette Paquet
The deadline for Animal Care Protocol Submissions -- new, renewal, or amendments -- is Friday, February 1 for the February meeting. Ensure you always download the current forms from and use Adobe Reader to complete forms. Only current forms will be accepted. Both the signed hard copy and electronic protocol submission must be submitted by the deadline date. ∙ Submit one copy of original protocol with signature to AVC - Annex, Biomedical Sciences Dept., Rm 2302. ∙ Submit an electronic copy to Those protocols received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month. For more information, please contact Sherri Pineau at 566-0973.
The theme of the session is "From data to knowledge to action." The coordinators are Dr. Fred Popowich and Dr. Brian Fisher from the Vancouver Institute for Visual Analytics (VIVA,, a joint initiative of SFU and UBC. January 15 - Dr. Sheelagh Carpendale, University of Calgary, January 29 - Dr. Brian Fisher, SFU, February 26 - Dr. Sara Diamond, OCADU,… March 12 - Dr. Stan Matwin, Dalhousie University (just moved there as a CRC), March 26 - still vacant All Coast-to-Coast Seminars will be held in Duffy 202 seminar room (science video conferencing room) at 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Daisy MacAusland Administrative Assistant Physics Department
The annual celebration of writing and publishing in the Faculty of Arts is Wednesday, January 16 at 4:30 pm in the Faculty Lounge of UPEI's Main Building. For more information, including a complete list of titles, see: To watch short video interviews with two of the author/editors, see:
Gayan Tennekone, Chemistry MSc student, UPEI, will present a seminar on Wednesday, January 16 at 12:30 pm. The presentation is entitled “Metal Targeting in Alzheimer’s Disease.” The seminar will be held in Room 128 in the KC Irving Chemistry Centre. Janette Paquet